
Our Blog 2023-10-20

Visual Communication in Business: Unpacking Cato’s Wisdom on Necessity and Cost


Writen by Adrián

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The ancient Roman statesman Cato once declared, “What is unnecessary is not cheap.” While uttered in a different context, these words hold profound relevance in today’s business landscape, particularly when it comes to visual communication. In this blog post, we delve into the wisdom of Cato and explore how his insight can guide businesses in understanding the importance of necessity in visual communication and its impact on cost.

  • Clarity Over Clutter

In the realm of visual communication, clarity is paramount. Businesses often fall into the trap of adding unnecessary elements to their visual content, thinking it adds value. However, as Cato suggests, unnecessary elements not only diminish clarity but can also incur additional costs. Whether it’s a website, marketing collateral, or presentation, prioritizing the necessary information over superfluous details ensures a clear and impactful message without unnecessary expenses.

  • Purposeful Design for Efficiency

Cato’s wisdom encourages businesses to focus on purposeful design to achieve efficiency. When it comes to visual communication, every element should serve a specific purpose in conveying the intended message. Extraneous graphics, redundant information, or overly complex visuals not only dilute the message but also contribute to increased design and production costs. Purposeful design ensures that every visual element serves its role in enhancing communication without unnecessary expenditures.

  • Brand Consistency as a Necessity

Consistency is a necessary element in visual communication, as emphasized by Cato’s insight. In the business world, maintaining a consistent visual identity across various platforms and materials is crucial for brand recognition. Unnecessary deviations from established brand guidelines can lead to confusion and dilute the impact of the brand. Investing in a consistent visual identity may seem like an added cost, but it is a necessary investment in building a strong and recognizable brand over time.

  • Streamlined Communication for Cost Savings

Cato’s philosophy encourages businesses to streamline communication for optimal efficiency. In visual communication, this translates to conveying the message with the least amount of visual “noise.” Whether it’s a presentation slide, an infographic, or a social media post, unnecessary complexity can lead to increased production time and costs. Streamlining visual communication ensures that the message is delivered effectively without unnecessary expenses associated with elaborate design or redundant elements.

  • Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality

Cato’s wisdom prompts businesses to find the balance between aesthetics and functionality. While visually appealing design is essential, it should not come at the expense of functionality. Striking the right balance ensures that visual communication serves its purpose effectively without unnecessary embellishments that drive up costs. Prioritizing functionality allows businesses to allocate resources wisely, focusing on what is essential for conveying the intended message.


Cato’s timeless wisdom on the relationship between necessity and cost has significant implications for visual communication in business. Prioritizing clarity, purposeful design, brand consistency, streamlined communication, and a balanced approach to aesthetics and functionality can help businesses create impactful visual content without unnecessary expenses. By embracing the principle that what is unnecessary is not cheap, businesses can navigate the visual communication landscape with a strategic mindset, ensuring that every visual element serves a purpose and contributes to the overall success of the business.